manny piña
writing project 3
writing project 3 FAQs:
Q: How will I know if my submission is "good"?
I'll answer the above question with a few questions of my own:
Does your text demonstrate an understanding of and engagement with experience architecture and rhetorical theory as they relate to digital writing landscapes?
Does your text display a practical application of efficient web-based writing as articulated in Letting Go of the Words and Don't Make Me Think?
Does your text demonstrate both a strategic and tactical understanding of user experience?
Can you explain and defend the choices—both content and design—you've made in your text if you were pressed on them?
Did you fulfill all of the minimum project requirements?
If you can answer all of the above questions in the affirmative and point to places where your web-text accomplishes these things, then you have a "good" writing project two.
Q: What are you (the instructor) "looking for" in this project?
Each of your writing projects will look different; so what I'm looking for is an engagement with the course material.
Q: How long does my project have to be?
Your writing project will be as "long" as it needs to be in order to accomplish the rhetorical and intellectual work that the assignment asks you to. Although I will say, since you are not writing a linear text here, "length" is a somewhat misleading term.
Q: Will you look at my project before it's due and help me develop it?
YES! Of course. All you need to do is contact me and set up a meeting. I am here to help you succeed.