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writing project 3

project oveview

project overview:

the premise behind this project is simple: writing on/for/with the web is different than other types of writing.


and when we migrate a piece of text  into a web-based environment we have to fundamentally change what the text is and how it operates.


in other words, the digital is a different textual landscape. 


web-based writing isn't just a matter of taking a piece of text that's written in Microsoft Word or even Google Docs and then just hitting Cmd+C, Cmd+V and calling it done. the digital is immersive and should actively engage the user.


for this project, then, you will remediate one of your existing print texts and transform it into a hypertextual, multimodal site. 

project requiremets

project requirements:

your web (re)design needs to incorporate, at minimum, the following elements:


  • a landing page, 

  • two levels of page hierarchy below the landing page, 

  • a glossary of no less than three (3) key terms, 

  • links to external content, 

  • multimedia content,

  • a statement of goals and choices page, and 

  • a references page where you credit all content that you didn’t generate. 

this site is a web-text version of the engl 3379 wp3 assignment sheet

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